My favorite coffee places and bakeries in Amsterdam East

My favorite coffee places and bakeries in Amsterdam East

Posted by Lisa Schotman on

As you may know, I opened the physical store in 2020 in the Czaar Peterstraat in Amsterdam East. Last year, I moved for half a year to the center, and now, I am writing this blog post from the pop-up (from April 29 to May 11) in Amsterdam East! 

I thought this might be the perfect time to write about my favorite bakeries and coffee places in Amsterdam East.

Favorite Bakeries

Stadsbakkerij As
'Hidden' behind the Czaar Peterstraat, you can find Stadsbakkerij As. When I had the store, I often visited this place to get the most delicious bread. You probably also tried it at one of my events I held at that shop location ;) 

Address: Conradstraat 471

Millie Vanillie
I love to discover new places and bakeries, and recently discovered Millie Vanillie at Cruquiuseiland.  Every time I come to this place, I try new sweats and honestly, I just love everything. 

Address: Bottelarijstraat 1

Baking Lab

This cute place, located close by Oosterpark, is a circular bakery. Meaning that they develop new recipes that prevent waste of old bread. I just discovered they also organize workshops to make bread and thinking to maybe sign up for one :)

Address: Linnaeusstraat 99

Favorite Coffee Places

I thought it might also be fun to share my favorite places for coffee in Amsterdam east. My favorites:


Love the aesthetics and vibe at this place. But knowing the co-founder Kick via Instagram (fun fact, I posted Instagram photo's of his inspiration account quite often when I started The Collection One), I didn't expect anything else ;)

Address: Andreas Bonnstraat 2


I love this place! Next to the fact that the cinnamon buns are amazing, I think the people working there are the kindest. I'm still planning to also try the diner there, really curious how that will be :)

Address: Camperstraat 48-50


De Koffie Broeder

On the opposite of my old shop location, you can find De Koffie Broeder. It feels like a cute living room, that is not only because of the homey interior, but also because Edward makes you feel welcome. Love that he knows what I would like to have when walking in. 

Address: Czaar Peterstraat 135D 

I hope you liked reading this blog!  Do you have any questions or suggest about (this) blog? Please don't hesitate to reach out to me by e-mail or WhatsApp.  

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